If you are considering building an extension on your property, one of the key questions you need answered is how much the project will cost.

However, it is not a straightforward question to answer.

There are lots of different factors that affect the overall cost of any building project such as location and size, both footprint and number of floors, the type of construction and finish that you are after, and whether you are intending to build yourself or engage a builder.

Design Process

An architect and a quantity surveyor working in partnership from the design process stage onwards is the ideal way to help provide you with the cost certainty you need. Your quantity surveyor will work to your architect’s plans, scope and site specifics and use our industry knowledge and expertise to produce an early budget cost known as an Order of Cost Estimate (“OCE”). Once signed off, the OCE becomes your starting budget and reference point for comparison as the project and costs develop.

Current Economic Climate

The current economic climate means that like many other sectors the construction industry is experiencing shortages of labour and difficulties importing materials. This has led to higher prices resulting in an increase to the overall cost of building projects.

Keep Control of Costs

Perhaps as a consequence of these extra uncertainties, more people are seeking advice from a quantity surveyor like Timms Eida Associates to help keep control of costs.

Expert Advice

Whether your extension project is big or small having expert advice from a quantity surveyor where you may previously have sought a quotation from an individual trade and project managed the build yourself, can provide comfort that increased costs for materials and labour are genuine.

Who is Timms Eida and Associates?

At Timms Eida and Associates, we have been providing quantity surveying services for almost fifty years. We provide a full range of services from early budget estimates, cost plans and bills of quantities through to tender documents, contracts, and final account negotiations and dispute resolution.

TIMMS EIDA’s top tips


Use an architect or design company to plan what will work best for you. Even before you meet with the designer think about what you need. What do you want the extension to add to your lifestyle?


If the location of the extension makes the build more complicated it will add to the overall cost. Before you get the plans prepared consider if any of the following may be relevant: difficult ground conditions, how easy it will be to access services, surrounding trees that will get in the way, a history of flooding, poor site access, or unusual rights of way.


Are you going to self-build or engage a builder. Self-build will avoid labour costs and could be cheaper, provided you are confident in what you are doing. If you are going to use a contractor, go by personal recommendation if you can, or ask for references.

Using a quantity surveyor like Timms Eida & Associates to set a reliable and adequate budget and monitor the construction will allow your funds to be allocated effectively leading to successful completion of the project and providing value for money for the build.